It wasn't long ago we listened to the whir of a dot-matrix printer spitting out documents from our computers, now a 3D printer renders any object we can dream up the same way. 事实上,能让我们的电脑打印纸质文档的点矩阵打印机,还是不久之前才发明出来的,而现在3D打印机又以同样的方式,使我们梦想的各种物体都能呈现在我们眼前。
It looks like dot-matrix printer paper. 看上去像那种有一排洞的打印纸。
Would letters from famous men and women spewed out on a dot-matrix printer have the same fascination as an original holograph? 如果那些男女名人的信件是从一台点阵打印机里涌出来的,它们真的能产生和亲笔书信同样的魅力吗?
An analysis of mechatronics on the head of the dot-matrix needle printer 点阵式打印机头的机电一体化分析
Gray-level picture output using dot-matrix printer 用点阵打印机输出灰度图像